Our 12 days tour with Birdquest was a great success again! We had recorded 220 species on the tour with some amazing highlights. The previous record of 222 species for this tour was not far but we simply run out of possible birds.

We started our tour in the Zemplén area where we had Black Stork, White-tailed Eagle and Black Kite upon arrival. Next day we had great encounter with Ural Owl, Eagle Owl and White-backed Woodpecker on the first full day of birding! The Corncrakes and River Warblers were late this year but we managed to get both at the very last morning in this remarkable area of rolling hills.


Ural Owl


White-backed Woodpecker


We also made a short visit to Slovakia where we saw many Crossbills (strangely absent of the higher regions this year) and a few Hazel Grouse and had an initial taste of the high altitude species. Although we heard Three-toed Woodpecker it proved elusive. Next day we made a quick visit to see the localised Short-toed Lark and continued our journey to Transylvania.


Short-toed Lark

Our first day in this forgotten corner of Europe produced Woodlark, Crag Martin, Rock Thrush, Scops Owl and Ortolan and Rock Buntings. ortolan.jpg

Ortolan Bunting

Later we drove to Székelyudvarhely in the heart of Hargita. In this pristine area we had two days of fantastic birding with many great birds like: Capercaillie, Hazel Grouse, Jack Snipe, Ring Ouzel, Black and Three-toed Woodpeckers, Red-breasted Flycatcher,Wallcreeper, Nutcraker, Red-throated Pipit, Crested Tit and many others.


Black Woodpecker


Three-toed Woodpecker


Red-throated Pipit


Thrush Nightingale

We also must not forget that despite positioning this tour mainly for the birds, in some years we are able to see a few bears at the very end of their viewing season. This year we got really lucky with six different bears seen in the late hours of the day!

Our last port of call was Hungary´s most celebrated birdwatching area: the Hortobágy National Park! And yet again this superb area did leave up to its billing as one of the finest birdwatching area in Europe. We had excellent looks of the star birds like Long-legged Buzzard, Red-footed Falcon, Saker, Great Bustard, Little Crake, Stone-curlew, Aquatic Warbler, Moustached Warbler, Lesser Grey Shrike and others. We also had a few surprises as usual in this bird-filled area. A magnificent Dalmatian Pelican and a flock of breeding plumaged Dotterels were unexpected.


Dalmatian Pelican




Bearded Tit

All photographs: Zoltán Baczó


All in all we had an action-packed holiday with a lot to remember!


Gabriella Tóth, Zoltán Baczó, Zoltán Petrovics