In a two full and two half day trip we visited the Zemlén-hills and the higher mountains around Rejdova (Slovakia), while the last evening and the next morning were spent in the Hortobágy with a couple from the US. In the first afternoon we managed to see 4 Ural Owls, White-backed Woodpecker and Collared Flycatcher. The following day despite the continous rain we saw a Nutcracker and had prolonged and very close views of a Three-toed Woodpecker. We also managed to see 6 other species of woodpeckers, Corncrake, Short-toed, Lesser Spottes and Eastern Imperial Eagles. Despite of the windy weather, some of the River Warblers were still singing form a pearch, while Barred Warblers were buisy to carry food for their nestlings. In the Hortobágy, beside many other we saw a diplaying Aquatic Warbler and a fine male Great Bustrad.


Simay Gábor



Lesser Spotted Eagle                                             Simay Gábor



Juv. Bearded Tit                     Simay Gábor