Day: November 7, 2009

Japanese group arrive for geese-watching


Cranes and geese together on a sea lavendar field Photo:János Oláh


Red-breasted Geese in flight Photo: János Oláh

A long-term partner of Sakertour our Japanese friends came along for the annual geese-watching this year again! One of the most precious target is the ´ao-gan´ or in translation ´blue goose´ which is commonly known for us as Red-breasted Goose. November is also good to see some of the leftover Cranes, many eagles and massive number of Long-eared Owls.

Other targets include the impressive ´no-gan´ or ´field-goose´or as we know it: Great Bustard.

We shall see the final results in a week time!

Sakertour team

Crane Spectacular & Wild Goose Chase tour for Ornitholidays

Our friends from Ornitholidays ( arrived on the 31st of October with Mike Witherick as leader.

They arrived at the very best time for some geese watching as unprecedented number of Red-breatsed Geese arrived to the Hortobágy Plains this autumn! Flocks of 30-80 have been seen and the total number of redbreasts estimated to be over 300 in the region! So it was not surprising that already on the arrival day on the way from the airport to the Hortobágy the group had 11 Red-breasted Geese in the fading afternoon light. The leader from Sakertour side was Gábor Simay and he shall give details of this tour soon!


Crane portrait Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

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