The winter in Hungary is certainly wet and variable this year (2010/2011)! The water situation has not improved (since April) at all and the eastern part of the Hortobágy National Park received almost 1400mm precipitation in 2010. This is just about three times the normal and made photography difficult last year.

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Adult White-tailed Eagle                                                                                                        Photo: Gábor Simay

The White-tailed Eagle photography was excellent throughout December however and many of our visiting photographers enjoyed great views and many actions of these magnificent birds. Since Christmas the activity droped but still very nice images were captured!

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Juvenile White-tailed Eagles                                                                          Photo: Johan and Chris Paulussen

Unfortunately a rapid change does not help with the eagle-photography and they can be rather unpredictable. Most of the time, however, at least one hide is visited by the eagles almost on daily basis.Also several colour-ringed birds were seen and photographed giving good data fot the research team.

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Colour-ringed subadult White-tailed Eagle                                                    Photo: Johan and Chris Paulussen

Also the daily activity can vary a lot depending on the weather and other circumstances. We had a few days when many eagles visited the hide area daily and then lots of action shots were possible!

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Juvenile White-tailed Eagle fighting with crows                                                                        Photo: János Oláh

See a few images below and also more images are due to be uploaded into our galleries so please keep checking here!

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Calling adult White-tailed Eagle                                                                     Photo: Johan and Chris Paulussen

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Subadult White-tailed Eagle                                                                           Photo: Johan and Chris Paulussen

We will have the annual eagle count on the 14th and 15th January so we will get to know the number of wintering eagles in Hungary. We will keep you posted!

Sakertour team