With our friends (Balla Dániel, Molnár Szilvi and Vasas András) the Sakertour team placed out a Ural Owl nest box in the Bihar Mountains in Romania, but near to the Hungarian border, to a location just a little bit more than two houres drive from the Hortobágy. We have a good chance to attract the owls into the nest box, as the surrounding mature beech forest is an excellent habitat for them with several observations from the previous years.



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Balla Dániel is helping from the ground

Photo: Gábor Simay


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Crested Tits are among the commoner birds in the higher, spruce forest region

Photo: Gábor Simay


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The higher montanous areas were still snow covered, and the landscape was beautiful…

Photo: Gábor Simay



Sakertour team