Day: May 31, 2011

Travelling Naturalist spring tour

We spent eight days (six full and two half) with the Travelling Naturalists group in the Zemplén Hills and the Hortobágy during the last week of May. We recorded well over 170 species during this time, with all 9 species of woodpeckers, Ural and Eagle Owl, Eastern Imperial, Lesser Spotted, Golden, White-tailed and Short-toed Eagles amongst others.


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Lesser Spotted Eagle                                            Photo: Simay Gábor


We managed a good list of different warbler species with close and prolonged views of River and Moustached warblers as well, while a confiding male Little Crake fed just a few meters away for several minutes.


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Singing River Warbler                                             Photo: Simay Gábor


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Male Little Crake                                                     Photo: Simay Gábor


Besides the breeding and more regular migrant species, this time we also recorded a mega raritiy – not just to Hungary, but to Europe as a whole – a beautiful  breeding-plumaged Sharp-tailed Sandpiper! Fantastic!


Sakertour team

More rarities!

Amazingly the northern Hortobágy site: Rókás is still producing more rarities. There has been a Pectoral Sandpiper as well as a Terek Sandpiper in addition to the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper and the Buff-breasted Sandpipers.For more information please visit!

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Pectoral Sandpiper                                                                                         Photo: János Oláh

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper                                                          Photo: János Oláh

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The two rare waders in the same field of view!                                                  Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

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