In the last couple of days an amazing number of rare birds were found on the Hortobágy. The best one was a first for the Carpathian Basin (and Hungary) – a summer plumaged Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. It was found by our team member János Tar (aka ´Mannu´). Congratulations! This fantastic bird was seen by visiting birdwatching groups such as the Travelling Naturalist tour and by the Terres Oublies tour as well.

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (bottom left)                                       Photo: János Oláh

The following day the sharpy was joined by Hungary´s first ever spring Buff-breasted Sandpiper, which is also only the 10th record of the species in the Carpathian Basin. This was found by Tamás Zalai another of our team members.

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Buff-breasted Sandpiper                                                                                 Photo: János Oláh

In addition to these a Dalmatian Pelican, a subadult Pallas´s Gull (Great Black-headed Gull), Cattle Egret and Ruddy Shelduck were also seen at the remarkable wetland of Rókás in the Northern Hortobágy.

Sakertour team