In mid June, our partner company Wild Images had their first bird photography trip to the Danube Delta. It was a really enjoyable 8 day long holiday where more than 50 bird species were photographed by each participant! 

The Danube Delta´s birdlife was really eventful and with our custom built photo boat we had lots of nice subjects in the frame daily. Star species were the breeding plumaged Red-necked, Black-necked Grebes, Dalmatian and White Pelicans,  Black Terns, Kingfisher, friendly Squacco Herons, Night Herons, Little Bitterns, Glossy Ibises amongst many others.

In the Macin Mountain National Park area Sombre Tit and a Wryneck were the highlights at our drinking hide while at the lagoons of the Black Sea a wide variety of bird species gave us an excellent tour end. 

You can read the complete trip report under our Danube Delta Blog. 

Sakertour team

2012.08.23. 06:57:20.| img8303squaccoheron10x15300612.jpg            Squacco Heron (Photo: Peter M. Beesley)

2012.08.23. 06:57:41.| sombretitfrasersymond.jpg

Sombre Tit (Photo: Fraser Symonds)