Eagle news 2012 December
The White-tailed Eagle photography season has started on the 1st of December. It is almost the end of the month now so high time to give you some insight of the past weeks. December 2012 was excellent so far at the Sakertour hides as we had eagles every day – 100% success rate! Well of course if it is misty or rainy it does not feel such a great success but looking from the eagle attendance at the hides it cannot get better. The numbers are continuously changing just as the weather does but we had up to 30 eagles at our hides at a single day. The biggest number was 17 White-tailed Eagle at one hide.
Juvenile White-tailed Eagle in flight Photo: Kevin Johnson
Most unusual was the observation of three different Eastern Imperial Eagles in December. One bird was seen only for a single day but the second bird is here for several days now and a third one joined in today (2 birds today).
Juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle (the first unringed bird) Photo: Kevin Johnson
Juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle (the second ringed bird) Photo: Will Nichols
There was a short spell of real winter with -12,5 lowest temperature but otherwise it is not cold here. January is coming and we still have some free places in our hides if you feel like some White-tailed Eagle photography in January 2013!
Sakertour team