The Danube Delta photography season started and the first tour has just finished. The vegetation in the delta is usually not existing in the early May period but still there were magical encounters in the delta. This time it was wild cat as well as the usual Black-necked and Red-necked Grebes, pelicans, egrets, ibises. The Macin National Park was great with superb Rock Thrush, Ortolan Bunting and other goodies! There is a little selection from early May 2016 below. For more images see our FB page or the hide gallery!

We have 2 last place available for 2016. The date for this tour is 18-25 June. You can find more information here.


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Wildcat in the Danube Delta gave us an amazing 30 minutes drive away view in May 2016 (Photo: Zoltán Nagy).


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Rock Thrush male in front of our hide in May 2016 (Photo: János Oláh).


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Red fox looking for food (Photo: János Oláh).


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Ortolan Bunting in front of our hide in May 2016 (Photo: János Oláh).


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Collared Pratincole is allways a favorite (Photo: Zoltán Nagy).


Sakertour team