NEW RECORD on our Romania Mammal Tour 2023
This amazing mammal tour we created and run the first time in 2020 is certainly amongst the top mammal tours to Europe at the moment. Our first tour recorded 46 species in 2020, the next one recorded 49 species in 2021 and eventually we had 50 species in 2022! We knew if weather and luck is on our side this tour is capable to reach even more mammal species but we never dreamed of seeing 60 species on such a shrot tour. This is what happened in 2023 and surely it was an amazing tour even though we missed the European Mink in the Danube Delta. You can read the report here! As far as we know this is by far the longest mammal list on any 9 days (8 nights) tour in Europe! I am almost certain the record will not be broken by us easily and the regularly doable realistic number is a 45-55 mammals on this tour. It is still an amazing result and a great adventure! For those who like to be out at night and experience some superb starry skies (like in the Danube Delta) as well as mammal watching this is a fantastic adventure. Come and join us! Here you can check dates and avaialabilities! Zoltán Gergely Nagy

Hungary, Slovakia & Transylvania Tour changes
Our long standing Hungary, Slovakia & Transylvania tour was running in this 12 days form the last time in 2023. Now our report of the 2023 tour is available and from 2024 it will be reduced to 11 days and we will not have a scheduled visit to Slovakia. We will keep it optional depending on the year and especially the owl breeding situation. If we believe it is good to go we may visit Slovakia within the current itienary. We hope to achive the same general result for this remarkable tour which has recorded between 213 to 230 species in the last ten tours, but with one less day! Sakertour team