Grey Dwarf Hamster ‘Extension’ in Romania 2024
After our Romania Mammal Tour we will have an extension where our friend and mammal expert Zsolt Hegyeli will be looking for the Grey Dwarf Hamster (Nothocricetulus migratorius) which has been found at a few locations in Romania. It is a widely distributed species in the Palearctic but there is no chance to see it in Europe west of Romania. Zsolt has been on the field in April 2024 and managed to see a single individual (see image below), so our chances are really good as we now have an exact location to try and not only locations where it has been found in owl pellets. Come and join us for this 6 days (5 nights) tour from 1-6 September 2024. If you interested to join this adventure please let us know, send an email to our office for more informations! Tour price is 990 euro including single room. A great opportunity to look for a rare European mammal!

Grey Dwarf Hamster in Romania, 2024 (image by Zsolt Hegyeli)