Ore Mountains and the Slovenski Raj NP

Southern Slovakia near Kosice (Kassa)

Why Slovakia Spruce Forest?

  1. Subalpine Carpathian spruce forest with mixed deciduous forests in Slovakia
  2. Near the Zemplén Forest Reserve (two hours drive)
  3. Tranquil reserve inhabited by a good number of Carpathian birds
  4. Breeding raptors (Golden and Lesser Spotted Eagles, Honey Buzzard and Goshawk)
  5. Over 50 pairs of Hazel Grouse
  6. Pygmy, Tengmalm’s and Ural Owls are regular breeders
  7. Several species of woodpeckers breeding
  8. 20 pairs of Three-toed Woodpeckers
  9. Other interesting spruce forest specialties are common like Eurasian Nutcracker, Firecrest, Crested Tit
  10. Limestone Gorge of Zadiel (Szádelő) en route holds Eastern Imperial Eagle and Rock Bunting
Habitat diversity
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