As migration is in full swing in the Hortobágy National Park more birders appear on the scene. In August we had Ben and Ian visiting us for a days´s birding with some special target birds.


Short-toed Eagle Photo: János Oláh

We had a fantastic day starting with walk-away views of a female Saker, followed by two magical Long-legged Buzzards and yet at another Saker (this time a juvenile hunting Souslik!) while a female Red-footed Falcon and Bee-eaters were hunting nearby.

Our next ´target´ was a scarce passage wader, the Broad-billed Sandpiper. With a bit of effort we located two birds on a muddy pool and had good looks of the very prominent split-supercilium of the juvenile birds. Additional goodies included 24 Black Stork and Temminck Stint.

A short visit to see 26 magical Long-eared Owls was followed by 42 superb Dotterels down to a few meter with some females still in spectacular plumage. Montagus´s Harriers were flying around us too. The final ´target´ was Great Snipe as one was reported the day before but we had no joy in the extensive marshland with this skulking species. Other birds nearby included Glossy Ibis, a fine Short-toed Eagle and a family party of Hobbies.


Sakertout team