Successful Shinwa Hungary in Spring Tour
We had three days birding in the Hortobágy region with superb weather following two days in the Zemplén mountaines where we experienced heavy rain. After all we managed to see all target species in both areas and finished a great five days birding in Eastern Hungary!
Five minutes after we entered Hungary from Austria a female Pallid Harrier was flying slowly above us.
In the Hortobágy we encountered Ferruginous Ducks, Long-legged Buzzard, several Montagu´s Harriers, Saker, Red-footed Falcons, no less than 8 Great Bustrads some of them displaying for us, brilliant scope views of Sone-curlew, Mediterranean Gull, a beautifully perched European Nightjar, singing Aquatic Warblers, Moustached Warblers and a very late migrating Firecrest.
Mediterranean Gull Photo: János Oláh
In the Bihar plains we saw a total of 26 Glossy Ibises which was a record number in the area! We also saw Squacco Heron, Red-crested Pochard and close views of Little Crakes and Grasshopper Warbler.
In the vicinity of the Hortobágy we found five species of woodpeckers so we headed towards the mountains with great expectations.
Despite the bad weather in the Zemplén area we could see all our target species including Lesser Spotted Eagles, Short-toed Eagle, Corncrake, Eagle Owl, Tawny Owl, River Warbler and Rock Bunting.
On the way back to the airport we found an adult Imperial Eagle which proved to be a super ending of a very successfull tour.
Attila Simay
Sakertour team