Our Bear and Jackal Hide-Photography tour is online now!
Another new tour has just been uploaded to our website! Please check out the itinerary HERE! This fantastic tour is a true mammal photography adventure where we will be photographing Carpathian BrownBears in Transylvania and then will try to capture Golden Jackals on our cards in the Danube Delta. This tour will only run once in 2014 from 22 to 29 March.
Our 8 days tour is running in cooperation with Skua Nature of Italy!
Golden Jackals in March 2012 in the Danube Delta (Carlo Galliani / image courtesy of Skua Nature). A dominant male in the front and a female in the background. You can see the scars on the male as early spring is the time of territorial fights!
Carpathian Brown Bear in March 2012 in Transylvania (Attila Szilágyi)
Sakertour team