The peak of Crane migration in 2013
The Crane migration in 2013 was / is (still happening) as spectacular as ever and the peak number was recorded on the 17th of October when 106 950 Cranes were counted in the Hortobágy National Park at four different roosting sites. The national park has a syncron count every Thursday at all the roosting places. Although this number was not the biggest ever number recorded at one time in the national park but a very impresive number indeed!
Flying Common Crane (Photo: János Oláh)
The Hortobágy National Park serves as one of the biggest (if not the biggest) gathering site for the Common Crane (Grus grus) in the World. The estimated number of birds passing through the park is about 120 000 – 140 000 individuals but now regularly over 100 000 birds staging in the park at one time.
Click here to watch the video of the Cranes going to roost at a roosting area which had 45 000 birds in 2013.
Gathering Cranes at a roosting site (Photo: János Oláh)
If you have never seen this spectacle do not hesitate to do so! Come and see the Cranes of the Hortobágy with Sakertour! We have custom and fixed tours as well! Please check out here!
Sakertour team