Ore Mountains and the Slovenski Raj NP
Southern Slovakia near Kosice (Kassa)
Why Slovakia Spruce Forest?
- Subalpine Carpathian spruce forest with mixed deciduous forests in Slovakia
- Near the Zemplén Forest Reserve (two hours drive)
- Tranquil reserve inhabited by a good number of Carpathian birds
- Breeding raptors (Golden and Lesser Spotted Eagles, Honey Buzzard and Goshawk)
- Over 50 pairs of Hazel Grouse
- Pygmy, Tengmalm’s and Ural Owls are regular breeders
- Several species of woodpeckers breeding
- 20 pairs of Three-toed Woodpeckers
- Other interesting spruce forest specialties are common like Eurasian Nutcracker, Firecrest, Crested Tit
- Limestone Gorge of Zadiel (Szádelő) en route holds Eastern Imperial Eagle and Rock Bunting