The end of winter 2011/2012

The weather continous to be unusually warm and dry. Following the driest autumn for 50 years with very little winter precipitation and a rainless early Spring we moving into a dry Spring in Hungary!

The winter is over now as most of the geese are leaving the Hortobágy region. A few days ago we still had many Red-breasted Geese in the hords of Greater White-fronts but the numbers are decreasing daily.

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Red-breasted Geese in March 2012 in the Hortobágy                                    Photo: János Oláh

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Red-breasted Geese in March 2012 in the Hortobágy                                    Photo: János Oláh

Still plenty of White-tailed Eagles around but they dont visit our feeding stations any more.

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Adult White-tailed Eagle                                                                                  Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Wild Images report 2011

The report of our 2011 tour with Wild Images has now been uploaded and you can see it here. We are delighted to tell that Wild Images will run two tour to Hungary in 2012. The first one is fully booked but there is still some places left for the second tour!

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Great White Egret in the early morning sun by tour participant James Brier

Sakertour team

Spring is arriving!

It has been a while since we gave any news from Sakertour. Not because February been quiet but more because we were way too busy! 2012 February was one of the best White-tailed Eagle photography month in recent years. We had a proper severe winter with -15C for several weeks (in fact sometimes below -20C) and a good snow coverage too. Up to 22 White-tailed Eagles were counted at one hide in a single day and up to 40 eagles were visiting regularly our hides. Our guests managed to photograph many colour ringed White-tailed Eagles from all over Europe. A total of 12 ringed eagles were photographed and identified.

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White-tailed Eagle at one of our hide                                                                         (Photo: János Oláh)

In late February and the beginning of March the weather slowly changed. Daytime temperature is up to 10C now but at night it is still -6C or below. Hords of grey geese arriving now to the Hortobágy region and many Red-breasted Goose a few Lesser White-fronted Goose can be seen.

The photography season has finished and we do the hide maintanance now, preparing for the Spring Season which is starting with Great Bustard photography in April!

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Great Bustard (Photo: János Oláh)

It is still winter in the mountains but some of the Carpathian foothills like the Zemplén Hills is getting alive. Several Ural Owls has started to breed now and the woodpeckers starting to defend their territories and their loud drumming can be heard. This is the best time locate the territories of the rare White-backed Woodpeckers!

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White-backed Woodpecker                                          (Photo: János Oláh)

We looking forward a very busy birdwatching and hide photography season and most certainly will keep you posted about the happenings!

Sakertour team

January in the Hortobágy region

The winter of 2011/2012 is a very mild one so far. We had 2 days of -8C in early December and then 2 days of -7C in mid January. Snow cover is almost non-existent though we had 8cm on the 22nd January but it was gone in a single day! The last weekend of January brought some wintry weather and apparently this will last a few days. We shall see!

Birding is slow but several thousands geese can be found and many Red-breasted Goose were seen in December and January. About 100 in the Hortobágy region (and up to 200 in the Buharugra region).

The vole population is very strong so Short-eared Owls, Hen Harriers and Rough-legged Buzzards are rather common this winter. Merlins are also plentyful.

Our eagle hides are operational and we will keep you posted about the Skua Nature group and also our own Sakertour January tour. The mid January eagle count in the Hortobágy region yielded 154 wintering White-tailed Eagles, one Eastern Imperial Eagle and two Greater Spotted Eagles.

Apart from the winter birds of the ´puszta´ we also have our bird feeding station where hundreds of tits and many woodpeckers can be seen daily. In some days up to 17 bird species were photographed from the hide by the feeding station in January.

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Hen Harrier male (Photo: János Oláh)

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Short-eared Owl (Photo: János Oláh)

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Juvenile White-tailed Eagle enjoying the sunny, clear weather over the steppe (Photo: János Oláh).

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Hawfinch is regular on the feeder is small numbers (Photo: János Oláh)

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Middle-spotted Woodpecker is also daily visitor on the feeder

(Photo: János Oláh)

Sakertour team

Our White-tailed Eagle photo-tour with Terres Oubliees was very succesful again!

Although it was our first eagle photo-tour of the season the images came just recently from the tour with our partner in December 2012. They have enjoyed a terrific time yet again in the Hortobágy National Park with White-tailed Eagles, Long-eared Owls and woodpeckers. They will be back in February for a second tour!

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White-tailed Eagle in action                                           Photo: Erwan Balanca / Terres Oubliees

We still hope to see many images from our participants. Our partner tour with SKUA Nature in Italy is just running and we will keep you posted about the success!

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White-tailed Eagle in action II.                                        Photo: Erwan Balanca / Terres Oubliees

Meanwhile 2012 January did finally produced a bit of snow today but we are not sure how long it will last. The eagle activity is surprisingly good however considering the very mild winter and in the first days of January there were up to 15 White-tailed Eagles seen from the hides.

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White-tailed Eagle in action III.                                       Photo: Erwan Balanca / Terres Oubliees

Sakertour Team

New website coming up!

We are continuously uploading the changes on our website in January 2012. Our Danube Delta operation will start in full swing. You will find more birding and photo tours, more hides and more information! We plan to have all up-dates online by the end of January.

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Juvenile White-tailed Eagle in dawn light                                                        Photo: Csaba Lóki

Unfortunately after 3 years we had to amend our prices according to increased petrol and service prices. You can find our new prices on the website. ALL booking made in 2011 will not be effected by the price change!

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Adult Sparrowhawk                                                                           Photo: Johannes Ferdinand

We wish you all a successful and bird-filled New Year!

Sakertour team

Season´s greetings from Sakertour

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Wild Images Photo-tour ´The White-tailed Eagles of the Hortobágy´ just finished!

Our partner Wild Images had his first ´eagle tour´ of the 2011/2012 season from 9-13 December. You can find more info and dates of their second tour in February here. Although the weather was not wintry at all with daytime temperature up to 11C the activity was good. Partly because of the mild weather there are still hordes of geese in the Hortobágy region and the eagles are a little bit unpredictable at the hides. All the hides have regular eagle visitors but one day can be very different from another. It is easy to get no eagles one day and then several the next day at the same spot. Tour participants had a special last day with 11 White-tailed Eagles around them for hours!

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White-tailed Eagles                                                                             Photo: Pauline Thompson

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Juvenile White-tailed Eagle                                                                            Photo: James Brier

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Adult White-tailed Eagle                                                                      Photo: Pauline Thompson

We still have not received any images from our French partners but hopefully they will come soon as well and we add a few eagle images to the galleries!

Sakertour team

Owl nest-boxes 2011/2012

Sakertour is committed to nature conservation and we yearly dispose several nest boxes for owls. This winter we have made 25 Ural Owl boxes. Half of these will be for the Zemplén Hills, the other half for Transylvania. The owl boxes were created by Zoltán Petrovics our famous local guide (known as the ´woodpecker man´). Each of them weigh about 6kg and made out of oak so they will last for up to 12 years. We also have a small mirror to help the survey work without actually disturbing the breeding owls. These type of boxes proved to be very popular for the owls over the last 20 years. This winter Sakertour spent 800 euros on the owl box project.

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Ural Owl nest boxes ready for put-out                                                    Photograph: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Ornitholidays Report online!

Gábor just uploaded the latest Ornitholidays tour report to our trip report gallery. You can find it here.

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Bearded Tit                                                                                      Photographer: Gábor Simay

Sakertour team

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