Summer heat

Our photography season is slowly coming to an end now. We still have four hides in operation until 25th July:

Red-footed Falcon Hide – We have an incredible 4 pairs of Red-footed Falcons and a Roller breeding around the hide this year (plus two pairs of Kestrels finished succesfully). Still all the redfoot chicks in the boxes but only about 10 days left for them before fledging. The Roller still has very young chicks. This year special is to have an absolutely amazing yellow background on the western side in the form of a sunflower field!

Roller Hides – As well as having a late breeding individual on the falcon tower we still have a morning and an afternoon Roller hide. The afternoon hide is only have a few days to go as the chicks are big. The morning hide is still good until 25th July.

Pygmy Cormorant Hide – The lovely yelow-fringed waterlilly covering the entire bay where our hide is located. There is less Pygmy Cormorant activity now but grebes, ducks and egrets still around daily. The first Little Carke has just been photographed today there. Today also a Moustached Warbler was photographed!

Passerine Drinking Hide – Usually good activity in the hot summer days though a huge storm poured 80+mm rain on the surroundings on Monday so it will take 3-4 days untill all the puddles will go.

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Great Reed Warbler                                                                                        Photo: János Oláh

Birdwatching is also getting more difficult for the breeding species though autumn migration is in full swing now! The Hortobágy area still has the long-staying Dalmatian Pelican, a Pallas´s Gull is being seen with irregularity. You can find info on rare birds on the! You can also reed about the Daurian Redstart in Hungary (unknown origin) on the same page!

Sakertour team

Ornitour is our Swiss Partner

Our friend Beat Rüegger who has been coming to Hungary and Transylvania for birdwatching for many many years is our partner for the photography-tours in Switzerland. He has led the first tour in 2011 in cooperation with Liberty Bird. You can see some of his images here.

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Middle Spotted Woodpecker  Photo: Beat Rüegger

Sakertour team

Sakertour photo-tours 2011 May-June

We had a great team of photographers on our fixed date tours in late May and early June. The photography was excellent with some warm summer weather almost throughout both tours. Some of our clients made a blog entry about their trip and you can read it here:

Anthony McLean´s blog.  

Richard Smith´s blog.

Michael Southcott´s blog.

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Golden Oriole from our Bee-eater hide                                  Photo: Anthony McLean

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Roller in flight                                                                        Photo: Michael Southcott

Sakertour team

Travelling Naturalist spring tour

We spent eight days (six full and two half) with the Travelling Naturalists group in the Zemplén Hills and the Hortobágy during the last week of May. We recorded well over 170 species during this time, with all 9 species of woodpeckers, Ural and Eagle Owl, Eastern Imperial, Lesser Spotted, Golden, White-tailed and Short-toed Eagles amongst others.


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Lesser Spotted Eagle                                            Photo: Simay Gábor


We managed a good list of different warbler species with close and prolonged views of River and Moustached warblers as well, while a confiding male Little Crake fed just a few meters away for several minutes.


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Singing River Warbler                                             Photo: Simay Gábor


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Male Little Crake                                                     Photo: Simay Gábor


Besides the breeding and more regular migrant species, this time we also recorded a mega raritiy – not just to Hungary, but to Europe as a whole – a beautiful  breeding-plumaged Sharp-tailed Sandpiper! Fantastic!


Sakertour team

More rarities!

Amazingly the northern Hortobágy site: Rókás is still producing more rarities. There has been a Pectoral Sandpiper as well as a Terek Sandpiper in addition to the Sharp-tailed Sandpiper and the Buff-breasted Sandpipers.For more information please visit!

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Pectoral Sandpiper                                                                                         Photo: János Oláh

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper                                                          Photo: János Oláh

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The two rare waders in the same field of view!                                                  Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Rarity bonanza on the Hortobágy!

In the last couple of days an amazing number of rare birds were found on the Hortobágy. The best one was a first for the Carpathian Basin (and Hungary) – a summer plumaged Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. It was found by our team member János Tar (aka ´Mannu´). Congratulations! This fantastic bird was seen by visiting birdwatching groups such as the Travelling Naturalist tour and by the Terres Oublies tour as well.

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Sharp-tailed Sandpiper (bottom left)                                       Photo: János Oláh

The following day the sharpy was joined by Hungary´s first ever spring Buff-breasted Sandpiper, which is also only the 10th record of the species in the Carpathian Basin. This was found by Tamás Zalai another of our team members.

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Buff-breasted Sandpiper                                                                                 Photo: János Oláh

In addition to these a Dalmatian Pelican, a subadult Pallas´s Gull (Great Black-headed Gull), Cattle Egret and Ruddy Shelduck were also seen at the remarkable wetland of Rókás in the Northern Hortobágy.

Sakertour team

Wild Images facebook gallery

Please take a look at our growing photo-gallery of the 2011 Wild Images photo-tour on the Birdquest facebook page!

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Bee-eater male giving a present to female               Photo: János Oláh

Wild Images tour to Hungary 2011 May

The Wild Images tour had fantastic weather and a great selection birds from our hide network. About 93 species were seen from the hides and a good portion were captured on memory cards too! Favorites were mating Rollers and Red-footed Falcons, Hoopoe flight shots, Bee-eaters, a wide range of waterbirds and woodpeckers (Black and Middle Spotted)!

The gallery is coming to our Facebook page soon but a few images can already be seen in our hide gallery and below!

There is one or two places left for the 2012 tour!

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Ferruginous Duck  Photo: János Oláh

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Red-footed Falcon Photo: János Oláh

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Pygmy Cormorant Photo: János Oláh

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Hoopoe Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Wild Images tour well underway!

Our Wild Images partner photo-tour from U.K is well underway. It started with a rainy day but ever since it has been fantastic and so have all the hides and birds!

A gallery of the tour will be soon available on our Facebook page!

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Bee-eater is a great photo subject in May and June                                       Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Richard´s second visit to Hungary in 2011

Our friend and client Richard Smith has been back to the Zemplén Hills for a few days before he starts his photo-tour with us later this May. He had a wonderful time yet again and you can read more about his experience here.

Amongst the many highlights was a stunning Ural Owl. It is probably the worst breeding year for the species in the last 25 years so it has been very difficult to see. It is still possible with Sakertour though!

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Ural Owl in the Zemplén Hills 2011 May (courtesy of Richard Smith)

Sakertour team

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