Autumn Ornitholidays trip in the Hortobágy

As in previous years, we spent a week in the Hortobágy area. The tour started on 30th of October, a date that usually coincides with the arrival of huge flocks of geese, however, cranes are also still numerous in the area.

We had luck with both, as (mainly in the beginning of the week) beautiful sunsets ensured some memorable moments with thousands of Common Cranes flying towards their roosting area in the evening.

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Common Cranes                                                                   Photo:Gábor Simay

In the marshy grasslands and drained fishponds we had three encounters with Red-breasted Geese, and we also saw three nice adult Lesser White-fronted Geese, from quite a short distance and we could study all the field characters of this endangered species. We also had great views of 14 Great Bustards.

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Flock of Greater White-fronted Geese                                 Photo:Gábor Simay

Beside these we had a great selection of raptors: magnificent views of Saker Falcons (one of them with prey); many White-tailed Eagles (max. 8 together); 3 adult Eastern Imerial Eagles and an adult Great Spotted Eagle; Long-legged and Rough-legged Buzzards.

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Penduline Tit         Photo:Gábor Simay

Owing to the mild weather we saw fair numbers of Ferruginous Ducks (max 40 on one day), some Pygmy Cormorants and even some Spoonbills (quite a late date). The reedbeds were full of Penduline Tits and Bearded Reedlings.

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Beraded Reedling Photo:Gábor Simay

We had good views of Syrian, Middle-spotted and Black Woodpeckers, Short-toed Treecreeper and in the forested areas many Hawfinches.

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Hawfinch                                                                                Photo:Gábor Simay

Weatherwise it was a really beautiful week with sunshine and no wind or fog at all!

Sakertour team

October 1st in the Hortobágy

We had a full day´s birdwatching in the Hortobágy and despite it being cloudy we had a lucky bird-full day with some spectacular sightings as well.


First came a Stone Curlew and after some walking we spotted a few Great Bustards as well. Nearby newly-arrived juvenile Hen Harriers and a few White-tailed Eagles flew by eventually flushing the bustards. We were extremely lucky indeed as we had some cover and they didn´t notice us, so we could enjoy a closefly past of no less then 19 female Great Bustards.

After this we walked a short distance around the first section of Hortobágy-fishponds where we saw 21 Penduline Tits in one flock and a couple of very confiding Bearded Reedling as well as a first year Purple Heron, which should have migrated south by now.

On our way to Balmazújváros we saw a Saker (our second bird today), which pearched up in a pylon close by. Suddenly it took to the air and started to chase some Starlings, eventually landing nearby in a freshly ploughed field, where we could enjoy unusually close views of this first year bird.

After spending most of the afternoon in the northern grasslands we visited a wetland near Balmazújváros where we saw 4 Cattle Egretts together, still a scarce bird in Hungary, plus a very late Red-necked Phalarope in juvenile plumage, which was rather a surprise.

At the and of a successful birding day, we enjoyed an evening watching cranes flying towards their roosting site.


Simay Gábor


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One of the four Cattle Egrets                  Photo: Simay Gábor



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Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope              Photo: Simay Gábor

Fantastic weekend on the Hortobágy

This weekend (4-5 September, 2010) we had several photographers and a party of 8 birdwatchers to visit the Hortobágy with Sakertour.

Although the photography is slower then in Spring our guests had Little Crakes, Water Rails, Pygmy Cormorants, Kingfishers and Otters in front of the hides and also had a stalking photography session for Dotterel!

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Dotterel on the Hortobágy (4th September) Photo: Attila Szilágyi

The birdwatching group also had an amazing day with the following highlights (number of birds in brackets):

Squacco Heron (17)

Spoonbills (120)

White-tailed Eagle (1)

Short-toed Eagle (2)

Pallid Harrier (1male)

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Pallid Harrier on the Hortobágy (4th September) Photo: Michael Turner Caine

Honey Buzzard (3)

Red-footed Falcon (20)

Saker (2)

Little Crake (1)

Great Bustards (8)

Stone-Curlew (5)

Collared Pratincole (1)

Dotterel (3)

Temminck Stint (1)

Marsh Sandpiper (4)

White-winged Tern (8)

Turtle Dove (500+)

Little Owl (1)

Long-eared Owl (29)

Roller (4)

Syrian Woodpecker (2male)

Tawny Pipt (1)

Bluethroat (5)

Savi´s Warbler (8)

Red-backed Shrike (120+)


Sakertour team

Buff-breasted Sandpiper found by János on the Hortobágy

János Oláh and Zoltán Baczó were birding in the Southern Hortobágy on the 1st of September and were lucky to find an adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper on Borzas Fishponds. For the location please check the map. This is only the 8th record for Hungary and the third for the Hortobágy region! Many thanks for Ádám K. Selmeczi for the brilliant documentation images (more images on the on the first day!

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Adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper on the 1st September Photo: Ádám K. Selmeczi

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Adult Buff-breasted Sandpiper on the 2nd September Photo: János Oláh


Sakertour team

Wild Images report 2010

The report of our 2010 tour with Wild Images has now been uploaded and you can see it here. We are delighted to note that the next tour in May 2011 is already full! Book early for 2012 to avoid disappointment!

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European Roller on the 2010 Wild Images tour to Hortobágy Photo by participant John Hunt

Sakertour team

Sakertour at the first Pannonian Bird Experience

We were delighted to attend the first Pannonian Bird Experience ( organized in the Seewinkel area of Austria. This was the first BirdFair in Central Europe and there were 3000 visitors to the event. Birdwatchers and photographers came to visit our stand and chat about birds and to taste the superb Tokaj wine and the tasty mangalica salami.

We shared a stand together with HEA ( and advertised the natural beauty of the amazing Hortobágy National Park in Hungary.

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Our stand at the Pannonian Bird Experience Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Come and photograph Little Crakes in the Hortobágy!

We have had several Little Crakes visiting our Pygmy Cormorant and Reedbed Hides throughout August. They are daily visitors with probably more than two individuals at each location. These secretive birds seem to be regular from our hides in late summer. Based on our 2009 and 2010 experiences we can say that our hides in the Hortobágy are the most reliable sites to photograph this skulking species! They have feeding very close to the hides, sometime as close as 50cm(!) but usually within 8 meters against a lovely background of yellow Fringed Water-lily and Greater Bladderwort.

Come and photograph Little Crakes from our hides!

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Little Crake in front of the hide Photo: János Oláh

Sakertour team

Birding Breaks Group

We hosted our Dutch partner BirdingBreaks between 24-31 May for a classic week of birding in the Hortobágy and the Zemplén Hills. Once again the tour was a great success and the group saw all the target birds. Highlights of the tour were Great Bustard, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Saker Falcon, Aquatic Warbler, Moustached Warbler, Ural Owl, White-backed Woodpecker and lot of other supporting cast (Eagle Owl, Little Crake, Roller, Bee-eater, Barred Warbler etc.).

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Short-toed lark Photo: Kees de Vries

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Bee-eater Photo: Kees de Vries

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Lesser Grey Shrike Photo: Kees de Vries

Please take a look at the report of this classic birding tour with a serious of Eastern European specialties!


Sakertour team

Private tour for Eustace Barnes

Our friend Eusatce Barnes came to recce Hungary and Transylvania for a proposed tour in 2012. The tour will be a new and exciting one with a start in Budapest and a finish in Bucharest. It will cover the main areas within just two weeks!


We had a great time in late May with many exciting birds. Eustace´s party arrived from Poland so the floods were familiar to them but unfortunately the rain continued to fall in Hungary too. It was not as severe as the preceding weeks and did not hamper our birding. In fact the Transylvanian part was blessed with great weather!

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Wallcreeper Photo: Zoltán Baczó

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Endless flowering meadow in Transylvania Photo: Zoltán Baczó

Sakertour team

Shetland Wildlife Group

Our partner Shetland Wildlife was also pretty unlucky with weather just as our Photo-tour was at the same time! But birdwatching is easier in the rain than photographing and the group managed to see all the main targets on the classic Hortobágy-Zemplén tour.

They started with Broad-billed Sandpiper in the Hortobágy and then Aquatic and Moustached Warblers performed well. For Great Bustard it was a long walk as the muddy conditions did not allow easy access but it was well worth the effort!

In the Zemplén woodpeckers and owls were the main target and once again it was not a problem for us to find Ural and Eurasian Eagle Owls as well as all the woodpeckers, including the secretive White-backed Woodpecker.

You can find a more detailed description in the Shetland Wildlife news section and a report is due to come!

Hopefully next year the sun will shine on Shetland Wildlfie!


Sakertour team

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