NEW photography tour: Special Broiwn Bear Photography Tour

In late May and early June we will run one single Special Brown Bear Photography Tour every year when we have the best circumsatnces for special images. We will try to capture bears in backlit conditions, with flowers, mother and cub actions as well as bears in landscape. This is a special tour dedicated to take unusual bear images! If you inetersted in such images, this is your tour to join! Check out the dates for 2020!

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Steaming Carpathian Brown Bear in Transylvania (Photo: János Oláh)

Sakertour Team

Revised Danube Delta Spring Tour now includes Semicollared Flycatcher

We have just revised our Danube Delta – Dobrudja Spring Tour and now incorporated yet another special bird into the itinerary. Semicollared Flycatchers were only found breeding a few years ago in Romania but now they are reliably and regularly seen. Our new tour offers the chance to see this bird as well as the usual specialties like Broad-billed Sandpiper, Pallas's Gull, Levant Sparrowhawk, Paddyfield Warbler, Rose-coloured Starling etc. Come and join us in 2020!

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Semicollared Flycatcher male in Romania (János Oláh)

Sakertour team

National and International Eagle Count 2019

The Hungarian Ornithological Society (MME) made the 16th Hungarian Eagle count in mid January. This time it was also the 2nd Pannonian Eagle Census which was coordinated by MME but included six countries and 20 different participating organizations. During this event over 488 observers counted wintering eagles all over Hungary, Austria, Cezch Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Serbia. The most common eagle was White-tailed Eagle with 992-1060 individuals and about 725-748 was counted in Hungary alone. The Hortobágy region had 75 White-tailed Eagles of which around 30 were counted at the feeding stations operated by Sakertours. However the Hortobágy area always have more eagles in February and just one single feeding station held 46 White-tailed Eagles yesterday (8th February).

This eagle count resulted in 509-538 Eastern Imperial Egales of which 397-411 was observed in Hungary.  Also a few Golden and Greater Spotted Eagles were observed and an additional 11 000 individual raptors of 13 other species was counted.

Although these numbers may seem high, eagles are still fairly rare. Even on the most densly populated areas only an average of 4,5 White-tailed Eagles and 2,5 Imperial Eagles were recorded in every 100 km2 stated the summary of the survey.

Sakertour team

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White-tailed Eagles in the Hortobágy area which has the most concentrated number of White-tailed Eagle sin the Pannonian region. Images by Márk Kovács.

All our 2018 trip reports online now

As we promised all our birding tour reports from 2018 is now available on our website. If you would like to join one of our birding tours to Hungary, Slovakia or Romania in 2019 you can read and study all the recent tours from these regions. For further informations and results of each (from previous years) please contact our office at:

You can ready and download the reports HERE.

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Birders in the Dobrudja region of Romania in 2018.

Sakertour team

Saker Falcon photography opportunities

We are glad to announce that after several years of work now we have Saker Falcon regularly visiting our Buzzard Hide in the Hortobágy area. In the winter of 2017 / 2018 they did show up a few times between January and March and now they returned for the 2018 / 2019 winter. In December they were regular though not daily visitors. If there is cold weather there is very good chance to photograph this superb falcon species from this hide. We believe January and February 2019 is a great time to come for those who after this special subject!

We still have places available for some of the White-tailed Eagle Photography Tours in January and February 2019. The Buzzard Hide is also included in the available hides, so these tours are one of the cheapest way to join for a few days photography which includes the Saker Falcon:

However if you interested just in the Saker Falcon please get in touch with our office and we can answer about availabilities!

Sakertour Team

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Female Saker Falcon in flight in December 2018 (János Oláh)

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Male Saker Falcon in the snow, in December 2018 (Attila Szilágyi)

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Portrait of female Saker Falcon, in December 2018 (János Oláh)

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Female Saker Falcon in front of Hide in December 2018 (János Oláh)

Merry Christmas and a Bir-filled 2019 for everybody!

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The 2018 Danube Delta Spring Tour Report available

We have just uploaded our report of the birding tour to Danube Delta in May 2018. In the coming days we will be uploading all our 2018 tour reports which is available on the website at the Trip Report section or at the relevant tours. Please take a look! Come and join us in 2019!

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White Pelican in the Danube Delta in 2018 (Photo: Gábor Simay)

Autumn Bear Photography Tours in Transylvania

Our Bear Hides are very good in late summer and early autumn. We regularly run these short tours since 2016 in the early September period. We have had excellent bear activity and in the last three years the shy Hazel Grouse has also been regularly photographed from the bear hides. Our 2018 bear photography tour just ended and everybody was very happy with the results! About 9 different bears were seen and photographed and there were 3 different visits from Hazel Grouse to our hides too. We have also been stalking and photographing these beautiful grouses along the tranquil forest tracks – sometimes several seen in a day.

Now as we will be launching our Bears & Birds Photography Tour from April 2020 (you will find this tour on our website from March 2019) we have also decided to rename our short bear tour in the autumn as Autumn Bear and Hazel Grouse Photography Tour. Our 2019 dates has also been published. Come to Transylvania with us in September 2019!

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Carpathian Brown Bear in September (Photo: János Oláh)

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Hazel Grouse in front of the bear hide in September 2018 (Photo: Zoltán Baczó)

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Landscape photography can be excellent in early September (Photo: Zoltán Nagy)

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Hazel Grouse from our bear hide in September 2017 (Photo: tour participant Pál Marchhart)

Sakertour team

Rose-coloured Starling breeding in Dobrudja, West Coast of Black Sea

Year 2018 brought us some really nice birding surprizes and one reason was the Rose-coloured Starlings breeding in two places along the west coast of Black Sea, in Romania and Bulgaria. The romanian colony was as big as 2500 breeding pairs. The breeding started in the end of May and the last chicks left the colony in the end of July. Last time this species has bred in 2003 in Romania!

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The colony. The Starlings has bred under rocks. (Photo: Beat Rüegger)

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Displaying male Rosy Starling (Photo: Beat Rüegger)

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Male and female Rosy Starling at the colony (Photo: Beat Rüegger)

Sakertour team

Merry Christmas and a Bird-filled 2018 for everybody!

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