Another great custom tour finished

During a custom tour we spent a few days both in the Zemplén Hills and the Hortobágy. We had great birding, depite the first two days were rather rainy. Later we had good weather with lots of sunshine.

In the hills we had eight species of woodpeckers, Ural and Eagle Owl (altogether we had 6 species of owls) and also Eastern Imperial Eagle.

In the lowlands we had multiple encounters with flocks of Great Bustrads, several Red-breasted Geese and fantastic views of Lesser White-fronted Geese just to name a few. To our biggest surpriese we also saw an immature Greater Flamingo – a rarity in a Hungary.


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Female White-backed Woodpecker (Simay Gábor)


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Red-breasted Goose (Simay Gábor)


Sakertour team

Successful Autumn tours

Our autumn tours has started in mid-September and a few are still ahead. As a copule of the tours have already ended we can say we have once again a fantastic season with lot of great birding.

The weather has been rather changeble with some rainy periods, but when it was sunny, usually the temperature was above the avarege. The Crane migration is superb and reached a new, all time record with more then 130.000 counted at the same time in the Hortobágy. The biggest roost site held more then 60.000 birds!

A few records below to summerize the birding tours:

– fantastic Common Crane roosts with tens of thousands of birds seen flying into their night roost;

– several great views of Lesser White-fronted Geese;

– the first Red-bereasted Geese have already arrived, and as early as the 14th October our group saw a nice juvenile;

– all our tours have seen many Great Bustards and had great views of them;

– eight species of woodpeckers – including White-backed – were seen well;

– we had great views of Ural and Eagle Owls;

– supporting cast included Eastern Imperial Eagle, Long-legged Buzzard, Pallid Harrier, Red-footed Falcons (only till early October), several dozen Dotterels, Broad-billed Sandpipers and Little Crakes (the latter two only in September), great views of Great Bitterns, Long-eared and Sort-eared Owls roosting side-by-side etc;

– several groups had great views of Sociable Plover (just like in 2013)!


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Common Cranes in their at their night roost (photo: Szilágyi Attila) 


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Tens of thousands of Cranes gathered at certain sites (Photo: Szilágyi Attila)


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Dancing Common Crane (Photo: Szilágyi Attila)


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Juvenile Sociable Plover in the Hortobágy (Photo: Szilágyi Attila)


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Immature Eastern Imperial Eagle (Photo: Simay Gábor)


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Great Bittern in flight (Photo: Simay Gábor)


Sakertour Team

The 2014 Crane Photography tour finished

Our 2014 Crane photography tour finished today. The weather was excellent throughout and many Cranes were using our drinking places where they were drinking, bathing and resting for several hours daily. Other highlights in different hides were Kingfisher, bathing Sparrowhawk and Goshawk, Bearded Tit, Golden Oriole, Syrian Woodpecker. We must also mention the special Dotterel photography and this year our guests were priviliged to photograph them from a few meters only!

This is a special tour which is designed to capture these fantastic birds in action. You can often see them bathing in a pool on their back splashing water all over.

We only run one tour a year and the 2015 dates are now online! You can check it here.

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Bathing and drinking Cranes (Photo:János Oláh)

Sakertour team

Report of Hungary, Slovakia & Transylvania GT 2014 available!

We have just uploaded the report of our highly succesfull Hungary, Slovakia & Transylvania 2014 report to the trip report gallery. Please take a look here!


This tour covers a fascinating selection of birds and a wide range of habitats in three countries! If you would like to get more information please take a look here. We still have two places left on the 2015 tour so if you interested in some superb birding and watching Carpathian Brown Bears come and join us! I want to book on this tour.

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Juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle attacked by male Pallid Harrier (image taken on the 2014 tour by János Oláh).


Sakertour team

NEW Photo Tour to the Danube Delta

We are glad to inform you about our `relaxing` Danube Delta Photo Tour in cooperation with our partner company in the Northern part of the Biosphere Reserve. 

The main difference to our existing Delta tour is using only a single accomadtion throughout the week inside the Delta; hide based photography through glass windows; Golden Jackal photography.

This tour were tested succesfully and now is available for you! More informations for booking.


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The number one photo target of this tour is the Golden Jackal  (Photo: Richard Steel)



Sakertour team

Breaking news: A Wolf was seen from one of our Bear Hides!

A Eurasian wolf (Canis lupus) has been seen from one of our Brown Bear hides two days ago. We hope to show some images soon meanwhile this is a Brown Bear image from June 2014.

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Carpathian Brown Bear (Photo: János Oláh)

Danube Delta 2014 Spring tour report available

The report of our Danube Delta – Dobrudja Spring Tour 2014 is now available. Please take a look what exciting birding can be done on the Black Sea cost in late May. Gábor Simay was leading the tour and they had hundreds of Rose-coloured Starlings and up to 180 Broad-billed Sandpipers in addition to all  key specialties.The 2015 tour date is now online and we still have some places on the tour!

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Paddyfield Warbler (photo: Gordon Small tour participant)

Sakertour team

NEW woodpecker record from our drinking hide

We are happy to announce that in May 2014 several woodpeckers visiting our drinking hides on a daily basis and even some more scarce and sought after subjects like Black and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers are also regular. Also in late May we had a record day when no less then 6 different woodpecker species were photographed: Lesser Spotted-, Middle Spotted-, Great Spotted, Green and Black Woodpeckers plus Wryneck!

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Female Black Woodpecker at our drinking hide (Photo: Beat Rüegger / Ornifoto)

NEW record on a Carpathian Birding Tour

Our Hungary, Slovakia & Transylvania GT in 2014 have recorded an astonishing 230 species (2 heard only) in 12 days (10 full days birding). Our previous record on this 3 country epic Central European tour was 222 back 13 years ago.

It is enough to mention a few groups and species to see what a great tour we had! We saw 10 species of owls, 10 species of woodpeckers, Pallid Harrier, Saker, Great Bustard, Capercaillie, Little Crake, Corncrake, Wallcreeper, Sombre Tit, Nutcracker, River and Moustached Warblers, Ring Ouzel, Rock Thrush, Red-breasted Flycatcher etc. The exciting report will be available soon!

If you are interested in this ultimate European tour please check out our 2015 date!

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Red-breasted Flycatcher (Photo: János Oláh)

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White-backed Woodpecker (Photo: János Oláh)

Sakertour team

Superb custom tour in May

We spent 3 full and two half days – shared between the Hortobágy and the Zemplén-hills – with Simon and his friends and we did have some really great birding. We had really close and fabolous views of male Little Crake, long scope views of singing Moustached, River, Marsh and Barred Warblers, Ural Owl in the forest and a good range of woodpeckers and raptors, including a fine male Pallid Harrier fighting with a Short-eared Owl. Great Bustrads were still displaying, while around some wetlands we found Great Snipe, 3 Broad-billed Sandpipers, Red-throated Pipits and we had side-by-side views of Great Bitterns. The biggest surprise for sure was two adult Dalmation Pelicans in the Hortobágy!

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(Photos: Gábor Simay)

Sakertour team

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