Buzzard and Falcon Hide
Location and installation year
This hide is located in the eastern part of the Hortobágy National Park. This hide is used for raptor photography in winter and Hoope/Roller photography in summer. The area where the hide is located is less visited by eagles then our other two hides. This is why usually better for buzzards and Saker Falcon. It was installed in an open steppe habitat in July 2010 and it was completely refurbished in 2018.
It is usually possible to drive to the hide unless we have very wet conditions when cc 10 minutes walk required.
Size and style
It is 300 cm wide, 250 cm long and 170 cm high. It has a 220 cm by 50 cm photo-through window and a low angle 220 cm by 20 cm photo-through window. It is comfortable for three photographers.
Comfort and accessories
- Chairs with back support
- Curtains
- Gas operated heating system (to ensure a temperature of 15°C when it is -10°C outside) from November to March
- Matrass for low angle photography
- Ventilators against the steaming up of the glass window
- Portable toilet
Spring-summer regulation: this hide can be entered any time of the day.
Winter regulation: this hide must be entered before daylight (cc 06:00) and can only be left after dusk (cc 16:00), since the eagles are very shy and once disturbed they can abandon the feeding station for days. Smoking is strictly forbidden in the hide because of the heating system. The use of the curtain system is essential if more than one window is in operation!
Recommended Photo Equipment
The distance of the buzzards, eagles and falcons from the hide can be regulated by placing out fish. The photo subjects usually 8-20 meter from the hide. All sorts of lenses are recommended but 500 mm for perched birds and 300 mm for flight shots are best. Occasionally some raptors can appear within 10 meters from the hide and then a 70-200 zoom is very handy. Extenders.
What to bring
No essential items
- Headlight
- Warm clothing for emergency
Photo period
All year round
Possible species
Common Buzzard (December to March), Rough-legged Buzzard (January; rare); Long-legged Buzzard (January-February; rare), White-tailed Eagle (December to March); Eastern Imperial Eagle (December to March); Hen Harrier (December to March, rare), Saker (December to March), Hoopoe (April to July); Roller (May to July); Common Wheatear (April to July); Magpie (all year round), Rook (all year round), Hooded Crow (all year round), Raven (December to March), Starling (March to September);
Tours that visit the hide