Our team
The leaders are the most important feature of all our tours. Our leaders are professionally educated ornithologists, biologist carrying out active field research in their own regions or on particular species or bird and mammal associations. Their field research activity is widely acknowledged. SAKERTOURS is strongly committed to bird protection and nature conservation, we campaign for, plan and support habitat restoration projects. We have raised and are raising funds for bird community studies, as well as for the education and field training of our tour leaders. SAKERTOURS keeps a close watch on environmental issues both in general and in the areas and habitats you visit during our tours. We are among the first to generate initiatives and to prepare project proposals, feasibility studies and restoration plans, and do everything we can to support local research and conservation efforts in protecting endangered habitats. This activity keeps the SAKERTOURS team professionally responsible for the wildlife habitats you visit during your tour.

Prof. János OLÁH
The founder of SAKERTOURS. He was also the managing director of the company until 2006. Author of over 350 scientific papers and 20 books as well as many feasibility studies on zoology, mineral cycling, landscape ecology and habitat restoration. He became a keen birdwatcher as late as 1993, but has visited many countries in all continents with his son also named János. However, his main interest is caddish flies and since he retired in 2010 he devotes all his time to writing and caddish fly taxonomy.

János OLÁH Jr.
One of the most experienced leaders and at present the managing director of SAKERTOURS. He is a graduate of the University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology, and continues his PhD studies in Ecology. His thesis work was on Mineral cycling guilds of aquatic birds and the subject of his PhD study is The impact of grazing on breeding shorebirds in Pannonic grasslands. He has published several scientific papers. He was a co-author of the handbook titled The Birds of the Hortobágy. Now he is working (together with Zoli) on an even larger scale handbook, The Birds of the Carpathians. This book will share all knowledge on this biogeographical region, which is more or less the same area where SAKERTOURS operates. He speaks and writes perfect English and is learning Spanish. He started birding when he was only 14 years old. In 1993 he spent six months in the Queens College, London, improving his English and studying the birds of the diverse habitats of the British Isles. He is fond of bird photography, and has travelled with a camera and a telescope in many countries of most continents. He was a member of the Hungarian Rarity Committee (1998-2008) and was the operator of the Hungarian Birdline in the late 1990s. At present, he is also a staff leader for Birdquest. János is married to Gabriella and has a daughter named Enikő Júlia. They live in Debrecen.
Phone number: +36-30-9957765 (Hungary)

Dr. Marianna OLÁH
Marianna OLÁH, sister of János Oláh joined Sakertour from the very beginning helping her father first and later her brother with the office and managing work of the company. She also graduated from the University of Debrecen and completed her PhD at the Department of Ecology. Her thesis work was on Denitrification in the Upper Tisza River valley. She worked at the Ecology Department of University Debrecen and the Hortobágy National Park Directorate for 18 years. In 2014 she moved to the UK where her husband, András works as a Hystopatholgist. At present, she works and lives both in the UK and in Debrecen, Hungary. She has a daughter, Alexandra, and a newborn granddaughter, Luca.
Phone number: +44-7400-636465 (UK) and +36-30-4888923 (Hungary)

Zsolt is Wildlife Management Engineer from Zetelaka (Zetea). He has joined the SAKERTOURS team in 2011 when the bear photography section was started. He has an intimate knowledge of these large carnivores as well as the extensive forest of his homeland (the mighty Hargita Mountain). He has already been interested in Wildlife from a very early age while growing up in rural Transylvania. After graduating at the University of Western Hungary where he did his Msc thesis on the possible use of digital camera-trapping in Wildlife Biology he settled in his home town. He has been studying the Carpathian Brown Bears since 1998 but especially focusing on them since 2008. He was the founder of the Zetelaka Hunting Society and nowadays he is the gamekeeper of a 4000 hectare area on the Hargita Mountain. He is also linked with birds as an avid racing pigeon fan. He has been winning local and Romanian competition with his fine selection of pigeons! Zsolt consider himself a very happy and satisfied man as he does his passion for his living: being out in nature! He will be helping and organizing all logistics of our bear-photography tours. Zsolt is married to Paula and has a young daughter named Orsolya.
Phone number: +40-748-103311 (Romania)

Zoltán BACZÓ
Zoltán joined Sakertour officially back in 2008 when the hide photography section was launched in Romania. He has started bird watching and nature protection interest when he was a child than he soon started bird and nature photography as well. Zoltan living with his family in Transylvania in a hungarian inhabited town called Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Scuiesc). Her wife is Ildikó and has two young boys, Csanád and Bálint. He speaks good English and has an intimate knowledge of Romania`s birdlife and also has an excellent photography skill to guide you in Romania. Zoltán currently leading Danube Delta birdwatching tours, Transylvania wildlife photo tours and Danube Delta photo tours plus custom photo tours of all kind in Romania. He also has extensive knowledge of the birding sites in Hungary where he also lead tours.
Phone number: +40-740-572215 (Romania)

Dániel BALLA
Dániel joined the SAKERTOURS team as a full time guide from 2019. He has been helping us for many years both on the birding and the photography tours, but now as a staff leader he will devote more time to improve and guide our tours. He is an avid birder and a keen photographer too. His first birwatching experiences are from his childhood and since then he became a keen birdwatcher favouring the lowlands of East Hungary. He graduated at the University of Debrecen as a zoologist and then he was working in the Hortobágy region in nature conservation. He is currently a member of the Hungarian Rarities Committee. For birdwatching he travelled to several countries in the Western Palearctic and South-East Asia. In the last few years he spent a lot of time birdwatching in Romania. He lives in his hometown, Debrecen.
Phone number: +36-30-6816635 (Hungary)

Zoltán is one of the most experienced leaders of SAKERTOURS. He graduated at the University of Debrecen, Department of Environmental Management. His thesis work was on The Ecology of Avocet in the Hortobágy. He speaks perfect English and began birding when he was only 13 years old. In the late 1980s he educated birders of his home town, Balmazújváros where a young generation of knowledgeable birders emerged with his help. His field ornithological work started on the steppes of the Hortobágy National Park and later he became acquainted with nearly all bird habitats in Hungary. Zoltán has also participated actively in several nature protection and habitat restoration projects. He is also the founder and leader of the Hortobágy Environmental Association, one of the recent activities of which has been to restore and create wetland habitats for shorebirds breeding in or migrating through the Hortobágy. He was a member of the Hungarian Rarity Committee. Zoltán started his birdwatching trips in 1992, and has visited many countires around the world. He became a regular tour leader in Hungary in 1993 and has led over a hundred tours for Sakertour ever since. In 1995 he founded the Hungarian Society of Field Ornithologists and they established the Hungarian Birdline. He is conducting research on the Hortobágy shorebirds and he is the author of seven scientific papers as well as editor and co-author of the handbook The Birds of the Hortobágy. Zoltán is married to Regina and has three daughters named Ajsa, Aletta and Ankissza. They live in Debrecen.
Phone number: +36-30-3617773 (Hungary)

Ferenc Alpár GOTHÁRD
Ferenc (Goci for short) became a contributor to the SAKERTOURS team in 2019. When we started to elaborate and organize mammal watching tours during the covid period, we found Gothárd who has a passion for nature, nature photography and especially Eurasian Lynx. He has been helping our ‘Lynx project’ for 2 years now. He is spending weeks on the field tracking these magnificent creatures and managing some of our camera traps in the region. He lives in Odorheiu Secuiesc (Székelyudvarhely) with her wife Tünde and working as a full time fish warden. His main interest is fishing or anything related to fishes and he is extremely successful fisherman since his childhood. But in the last 10 years he found nature filming and photography and nowadays he devotes most of his spare time to this amazing hobby. Goci will be helping us on our Lynx watching tours and he will be the tour leader for our specialized Lynx photography tours. Welcome in the SAKERTOURS team Goci!

József joined SAKERTOURS in 2013 after graduating at Debrecen University, and he is a full time staff member. He works in the hide photography section and most of our photography guests will get to know him. He is a core member of the transportation team in the early mornings but he also does a lot of maintenance and development on the hides. He is also an eagle-eyed birder and a member of the young birder generation from Balmazújváros town. He started birding in a very young age (11) and built up a superb knowledge of the Hortobágy region and the Zemplén Hills. He also does guiding for our birdwatcher guests when he has some time off from the photography section. During his university studies at the Department of Nature Conservation he completed his BsC thesis on ‘The eating habits of the rollers, around Balmazújváros’ and later his MsC thesis on ‘The importance of the cemeteries in the nature conservation’. József is also one of our best tree climbers and has been helping our continuous and successful nest-boxing project with his superb skills. He is also a member of the Hortobágy Environmental Association and works as a volunteer, spending his free time in nature too. He lives in Balmazújváros and married to Zsuzsa and they have two young children József and Zsuzsa.
Phone number: +36-30-7231317 (Hungary)

Szabolcs KOVÁCS
Szabi is a core member of SAKERTOURS team in Transylvania, his homeland. He also does a lot of work behind the scenes in the Danube Delta area. Szabi started birdwatching when in 2003 by chance, he became a member of a small team whose main goal was to monitories the biggest Rose-coloured Starling breeding colony in Romania with over 15 000 pairs. He spent weeks in an abandoned quarry in Dobrudja, literally living with the birds, monitoring their daily habits from nest building until the young’s had left. Following he joined to Aves Foundation for Wildlife and Nature Conservation in Transylvania and the Danube Delta and started working with Szeley-Szabó László (1950-2005) and supported him in every protection projects and expeditions. It was a fruitful period of his life and learned a lot about nature, birds and wildlife. He had travelled not just in the country, but experienced the wildlife of Etosha National Park, or the Evros Delta and the mountains in Greece and Turkey. Unfortunately he had to move to England in 2007 but now is back in Romania since 2016 and become a member of our team. Szabi has excellent skills and knowledge to guide you in his home country.
Phone number: +40-774-514575 (Romania)

Márton joined our team in 2023 as a birdwatching guide. He has been working in the Hortobágy National Park for a few years and he also know all keen birders of the region. He got in touch with birds at a very young age when he was visiting bird ringing camps. Soon he realized, there is no way back, and he became a birder! Since then, he is an active birdwatcher, mostly around the Mátra hills in Northern Hungary. In his youth he spent most of his free time with birdwatching around his home village, Somoskőújfalu where he built up a remarkable knowledge on the Hungarian ‘upland’ avifauna. He graduated at the University of Debrecen as nature conservation engineer. Then he worked for Hortobágy National Park as a tour guide for a few years and gained experience of waterfowl. Since 2016 he has been working as a national park ranger in the Mátra hills where his main activity is protection of threatened bird species like woodpeckers, Ural Owl, Eurasian Pygmy Owl or Rock Bunting. He is active in researches aiming conservation of birds, especially in monitoring and ringing programmes. His favourite species is White-backed Woodpecker and he is the national coordinator of White-backed Woodpecker working group within MME Birdlife Hungary. Besides his jobs he visited several countries within the Western Palearctic for birdwatching. The Danube Delta and its vast lagoon system is amongst his favourite places, and he has been leading some of our tours to this area but he is also happy to help out in any birding tours in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia or in fact anywhere in the Carpathian Basin.

Zoltán Gergely NAGY
Zoltán is a well-known nature photographer from Marosvásárhely (Targu-Mures), Romania, who has joined the SAKERTOURS team in 2013. He achieved a BA degree in ‘Wildlife and Environmental Photography’ at the University of Lancaster in Blackpool, England, and has been passionate about the outdoors from a very early age. He is a member of Naturart – The Hungarian Nature Photographers’ Society as well as a founding member of FORONA (Organizația fotografilor de natură din România). His images won numerous awards including in the GDT European Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition where he was the first photographer to represent Romania in 2011 when one of his images got highly commended in the Birds category and also in 2012 when he won the Fritz Pölking Junior prize. Zoltán’s work has also been featured in several magazines and publications across Europe, such as National Geographic Romania, NaturFoto, or Romfilatelia. He is currently involved in photography and conservation projects of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania, and is constantly expanding his knowledge of the entire Carpathian Basin and the Danube Delta. Zoltán knows the Danube Delta very well having spent many years now guiding our photography tours there. Zoli also helps out in Transylvania when needed! You can learn more about Zoli’s photo work on his homepage: http://zoltan-nagy.com/
Phone number: +40-724-032166 (Romania)

Tamás NAGY
Tamás has been guiding for SAKERTOURS since 1995 although he had a considerable gap in guiding when he was working for the Kiskunság National Park. However since 2013 Tamás decided to start again guiding of birdwatching tours. Tamás was interested in birds from a very early age and spent most of his time on the various wetlands around Szeged town in Southern Hungary. He finished his studies at the University of Szeged, Department of Ecology. His MsC thesis was on the migration of shorebirds on the Soda Lakes of Southern Hungary. He was also member of the Hungarian Rarity Committee for ten years. Later he has worked as a warden in the Kiskunság National Park for 10 years. Now he is working in an Eco-Village in Southern Hungary. He is a very experienced birder and guide who travelled extensively in the Western Palearctic as well as the Middle East. Tamás speaks perfect German and nowadays he is the leader for all our German-speaking groups.

The most knowledgeable expert of the Zemplén Forest Reserves, where he has been birding for 35 years now. He used to work as a warden in the southern Zemplén Hills for the Aggtelek National Park but recently retired. Now he will be again THE most important local guide for SAKERTOURS in the Zemplén Foothills and in adjacent Slovakia. Zoli also helps with our Transylvania operations with many scouting trips and preparing all those superb owl next boxes we use for the various species (Ural, Tengmalm’s, Scops etc). Zoli is helping us since 1994 when SAKERTOURS has just started and surely now he will be able to contribute more! He will also be leading our Zemplén Extensions from 2019 for the photography section! He has particular ability to discover the eagles high in the sky and the owls hiding in the dense canopy, not to mention his superb skill of finding woodpeckers throughout the year, hence his nickname: “woodpeckerman”. His lifelong work in the Zemplén made the birdlife of this remarkable region well known! Zoli lives in Bodrogkeresztúr at the base of the famous Tokaj Hill!

He joined SAKERTOURS in 2005 and has guided over twenty groups since then as a professional tour leader. He has been interested in birds and nature conservation since his first years in primary school. During his studies at the University of Debrecen he deepened his knowledge on birds, carried out research on ground-nesting birds of the Hortobágy National Park, spending most of his time in the field. His favourite area is the Bihar Plain and the Hortobágy. In 2008 he started to work for the Hortobágy National Park as a full time warden in the Bihar Plain area. He is also a member and currently one of the secretary of the Hungarian Rarity Committee. He frequently visits other parts of Hungary as well as many sites of the Carpathian Basin to study birds. As a keen birdwatcher and photographer, he has visited several different Western Palearctic countries (e.g. Turkey, Spain, Egypt, Jordan), as well as Namibia, Mexico, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia and India. He speaks perfect English and some German. Gábor is married to Tünde and has three children named Krisztián, Gábor and Tünde. They live in Földes.
Phone number: +36-30-5239198 (Hungary)

Attila joined SAKERTOURS officially in 2007 when the hide photography section was launched, but has been helping our company since 1994. He has finished his studies at the University of Debrecen, Department of Environmental Management. His thesis work was written on the Red-footed Falcons of the Hortobágy. Also a member of the young birder generation from Balmazújváros where he was born. Nowadays he also teaches young birders just like Zoli taught him some twenty years ago. Attila has worked as a full time warden in the Hortobágy National Park since 2001. He has been photographing birds and landscape in the Hortobágy since the early 90’s and has an intimate knowledge of his local area where some of our hides can be found. He has also worked as a volunteer in several NGOs such as the Hortobágy Environmental Association and has assisted in research and several surveys. He regularly contributes to bird ringing projects like the Spoonbill, Pygmy Cormorant and Caspian Gull colour ringing programme. He has published several papers on birds and was a co-author of The Birds of the Hortobágy. Attila has widely travelled in the Western Palearctic to watch birds. He has been to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Spain, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, Georgia and Tunisia. Attila is married to Dóri and has two young daughter named Anna Füzike and Boróka. They live in a house in the centre of the Hortobágy National Park.
Phone number: +36-30-3838637 (Hungary)

János TAR
János has been guiding for SAKERTOURS since 1994 in the Hortobágy area. He is also a member of the young birder generation from Balmazújváros who were educated by Zoli about twenty years ago. János is working as a full time warden in the Hortobágy National Park since 1995. He contributes to several LIFE projects but his personal ambition is to keep track of the Lesser White-fronted Geese on passage in the Hortobágy and he is a well-known expert of the species in Hungary. He is a keen photographer too and has an intimate knowledge of his local area where some of our hides can be found. He has done volunteer work for several NGOs such as the Hortobágy Environmental Association and assisted in many surveys. He contributes to bird ringing projects like the Spoonbill, Pygmy Cormorant and Caspian Gull colour ringing programme. He has published papers on various bird species and was a co-author of The Birds of the Hortobágy handbook. He is currently the top lister in Hungary with over 355 species and has found several new birds for Hungary and many more to the Hortobágy area. He is also a member of the Hungarian Rarity Committee. János has also travelled in the Western Palearctic to watch birds. He has been to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Finland, Norway, Spain, Morocco, Greece, Turkey and Georgia. János is married to Izabella and has a young daughter and a son named Orsolya and Gergő. They live in Balmazújváros.
Phone number: +36-30-9636310 (Hungary)

Romi was born and raised in the proper Danube Delta and he has learnt the traditional way of living of his unique homeland as a child. He is a skilful fisherman, knows the Delta roads
intimately and able to drive safe in every weather and water conditions. He speaks perfect Russian and understand English. A key member of our team since he joined us in 2011. He is with us since the hide photography tours started in the Danube Delta area. He is the official driver of the Borzas
photo-boat but Romi gradually built up an amazing knowledge and nowadays he is more than just a driver! He has superb skills and now lots of experience how to navigate close to birds and he really knows what photographers need. He has learnt a lot about birds, birding and photography. He is scouting for new places all year round as a fisherman and he knows the best birding places around his village. Recently he also started bird photography in his spare time.

Tamás joined SAKERTOURS officially in 2007 when the hide photography section was launched, but has been helping our company since 1994. He is a graduate of the University of Debrecen, Department of Ecology where he finished his studies in 1997. He wrote his graduate thesis on The monitoring and protection of the birdlife in the Heves region. He speaks perfect English and began birding when he was a child. After his university studies he worked for the Körös-Maros National Park and later moved to the Hortobágy National Park where he is currently working as a regional manager. His main research area is the Tisza Lake where he has led and participated in several projects related to birds and their protection. After the cyanide pollution hit the Tisza in 2000 he conducted several monitoring surveys to asses the damage. He has contributed to several LIFE projects (Imperial Eagle, Red-footed Falcon, Saker) but his main interest is to protect the breeding birds of the vast agricultural fields in his home patch (Heves Plain and Jászság). Tamás has an intimate knowledge of his local area where some of our hides can be found. He is a member of several conservationist NGOs and he was the secretary of the Hungarian Rarity Committee. Now he lives in the middle of the Hortobágy National Park and organizing the bird monitoring work in the national park from 2011. He has been one of the editors and authors of the recently published and most up-to-date Hungarian bird checklist titled An Annotated list of the Birds of Hungary. Tamás has also travelled in the Western Palearctic to watch birds. He has been to Slovakia, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Tunisia, Finland, Norway and Turkey. Meanwhile he also began to take an active interest in watching birds of more exotic places and since 2000 he has visited many Asian countries such as India, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia and New-Guinea. His trips abroad also took him to other parts of the world for example to Canada, Venezuela, Peru, South-Africa, Namibia, Ethiopia and Australia. Tamás is married to Adrienn and they have three children, named Csanád, Kincső and Villő. They live in Balmazújváros.
Phone number: +36-30-5838689 (Hungary)